Delphi Components and Code

HarmWare Home Page Harm'sTile 99 Freeware Page Delphi Programming Page Harm's Graphics Pages Harm's Links   My Delphi components are all free, with full source code. After I began the never-ending 'sTile99 project, I kind of stopped maintaining these, but they are still educational, and perhaps useful or entertaining.  I've had help on most of these;  seems like I get a good idea, and then other people help me with the 'tuning and improvements', much like sTile99.   :-)  Visit the links page for URLs to great Delphi sites...

 HarmFade V 2.3 - D3/D4/D5 - 87k

  This is one of my more interesting components.  It transitions from one TPicture to another TPicture, using either a 'Blend' or a 'Dissolve' effect.  It has auto-reverse, and events for mouse-overs and OnClick.  It can almost be used as a button, but it's not very sophisticated in that respect.  The performance was greatly improved by Seb Leon, who added some lightning fast assembler code.  Some day, I will go back and update it to use a timer.  Demo included.

 GradBtn V 1.4 - D2/D3/D4/D5 - 14k

  My oldest publicly available component.  It's a button that can have a gradient fill, instead of just a plain old gray.  It also can have raised or inset caption, and has Mouseover events.  It can get the focus and can use accelerator keys.  Looks best with high or true color.

 HarmGradient V 1.2 - D2/D3/D4/D5 - 5k

  A TGraphicControl descendent that uses the same gradient techniques as GradBtn.  It adds two additional gradient styles, and can have a 3D border.  If you align to the client window of your form, it makes a nice background just like InstallShield.  I use it Harm'sTile99...

 HarmWave V 1.4 - D3/D4 - 201k

  This is the source code for the last version of HarmWave, before it became 'sTile99.  It will compile with D3 or D4 (Pro version), and maybe D5 but I haven't tried it yet.  It requires HarmFade and HarmGradient, both are included in this zip file...  (Source for sTile99 is not available, it uses some 3rd party components).

 How to Incorporate *.wav files into your *.exe D2 - D5 - 60k

  I finally figured out how to include sounds directly in my application, via a resource file. One of the great things about Delphi is the executables are self-contained; no DLLs need to be distributed as part of the application, which end up trashing the windows/system folder. This technique helps maintain that one-file totality when you need to include sound in your application.

 Transparent Forms - D2 - D5 - 3k

  I have seen this question asked a gazillion times in the newsgroups, so I put together this small example of how to accomlish this using regions.  It's interesting, but kind of useless in my opinion, but it remains one of the most popular downloads at Torry's and Delphipages.

Sebastien LEON has started a project called DIBUltra. This is the greatest thing since sliced bread! It is optimised assembler code, for a replacement of the slow, bloated TBitmap in Delphi. It has phenomenol speed, its own compressed file format, special effects, alpha-blending; you must see it to believe it! And, it's FREE!

If you live in a cave, or have recently gotten on the internet, and have not yet visited Earl F. Glynn's Computer Lab, follow the link to the biggest collection of detailed information on Graphics and Delphi on the web. Examples, links, books, FREE source code, how-to's. It has everything!

HarmFade V2.3

GradBtn V1.4

HarmGradient V1.2

HarmWave V1.4

Incorporate *wav's

Transparent Forms


EFG's Computer Lab

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